Saturday, September 20, 2008

Traffic (non)sense in Bangalore

I guess, traffic conditions at Bangalore are on the top of "Most Bothering Things in Blr" for every one in Bangalore. What I feel, to a great extent, we ourselves are responsible for this. If you spend few days observing how people (including yourself) drive on road, you will find it natural what is causing a bad road experience. At a high level, these are two broad categories for road experience
  • Infrastructural Issues (potholes, narrow road, missing traffic signal etc.)
  • Traffic Sense of ppl
First one is practically out of our control, unless you plan to take out a *Morcha* against government. What I feel that second one is bigger issue and causes more damage to our road experience. On the other hand, this is the factor which we can control (and for that matter no one else can do). Most common ill-road-practices are ...
  • High Beam - C'mon boss. You don't need High Beams in Bangalore city. Roads are pretty well lit. Many a times I don't even turn on full light, I just use the minimal light and turn on the lights only when I feel road lights are not on or are not enough. If low beam lights are not working then better get your lights checked. bikes/cars are designed in such a way that you should not need high bean on citi roads. High beam looks harmless but it causes a lot of fatigue to the personal who is followed by a vehicle having high beam on. Please avoid. It is not needed. 
  • Un-necessary honking - This one U don't don't don't don't need at all. 99% of time, for sure you don't need to use horns. I feel you can avoid rest 0.5% as well. Look at the honks when signal turns on green. Dude, no one likes to stay on the road. If there is a delay for few seconds please tolerate. Every one is in hurry to reach home.
  • Jumping Signals (or Not-respecting Rules): This one is really ironic. Bangalore city has got good number of educated ppl (after all it is hitech city, silicon valley of India) and good number of cab drivers. Interestingly, there is no difference in behavior of both groups. No one likes to respect Signals, Rules and above all, fellow riders on road. Looks like every one has decided that he will be last person to obey the rules. Let others do it, I'll follow. This is not going to work this way. Simply a non-convergent solution. Use common sense, Sir.
  • low-tolerance of drivers: This is a cyclic problem. A vicious circle. Bad traffic experience causes low tolerance and low tolerance cause you to behave in a way which again causes bad experience for others. Give it a thought.
These are just some of my experiences and observations. I'm sure there is more to it. But I feel, it is a simpler problem to solve if every one (or say a good % of us) behave responsibly. Read this interesting article "Indians Are Privately Smart and Publicly Dumb".

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