Friday, December 12, 2008

Oh God! More Sunlight, Please.

It is now almost two months since I'm in Scotland. It is really strange experience to have such short days. For past one month, when I start for work in morning, it is dark (well almost dark, you can not spot Sun) and when you leave from work, it is again dark. Yesterday we had lunch out of office and it was looking so different to come out of office when there is still day light left. Unfortunately, I'm still not used to the solar-schedule of Scotland :(.

So I started wondering that how long it is going to continue like this. I stumbled upon
this link which tells days will continue to go shorter till 21st December this year (2008) which will be shortest day of year. Well, not that bad, only few more days. At least now I know when things will start improving soon and I'll know tomorrow I'll get more sunlight than today.

1 comment:

San said...

Bahut achhe .. you are a good writer !!